Friday, December 24, 2010


"He who is without sin, cast the first stone", wow where have we heard this before? No one is perfect, I don't care if you are a parent, grandparent, guardian, don't care what your roll is in your childs/grandchilds life, they are not perfect. We would like to all think they are, but there has only been one person to ever walk the face of this earth who was as close to if not perfect and we are about to celebrate his birth with in the next day.

I am a teacher, parent and grandparent, so I feel I am qualified to talk about and piss some of you off about what I am going to say, but I don't care, I am almost 50 years old, do you really think what you think is going to bother me, 22 years in the military gave me some tough skin.

Let me first define "Perfection": the state of being without a flaw or defect. Well that pretty much somes it up, so now when you say your child/grandchild is perfect you of course are meaning the latter part of this definition right? Meaning all of their body parts are intact and they look great, right? 

Now let me get down to what really what pisses me off, and this is what can break up a family, and know one stands up to take note, and see whats going on or tries to put a stop to it. For example, kids (grand kids) playing with each other, the kids are under two years of age, and all of a sudden one of them starts hitting and biting. Who do you blame? The other child, the parents, whom then? The one child, never hit or bit anyone until they came into contact with the first child. But wait, now a grandparent gets involved makes an off the wall comment and says "I see you picked up some bad habits, from ******". Wow, how do you react to that. Well, ***** never did those things until ###### moved in. But is this the right way to handle it, no of course not. The correct way is to simple teach them not to bite and hit. They are too young to care who started it, and grandparents can be to stupid to know how to fix it. They are one of the first ones to put blame.

I had four boys, and do you think they were little angles, not hardly, I saw more than one horn coming from their heads on occasions. But in the end, they all turned out great.

I know its hard to be a grandparent, you always want to put your two cents in, but hell, if they don't want it then don't give it to them, but be there to catch them when they fall. And hopefully when you leave this earth, you will have given them enough knowledge to be able to make the right choices and realize that their child is not perfect, and to have that same attitude when you are called into the principals office. It's probably not the other persons fault, its most likely your child's fault, or else your child would not have been called into the office.

Grandparents competing against each other, how bad does that suck. "I was the first one to do ...." Were you? You may think you were, but the other set of grandparents may not care so are they going to say anything? Probably not. The bottom line is the grand kids, spoil them rotten, make them happy and stop competing with the other grandparents. I am just here to love my grand kids, and do what I need to do for them, and nothing more.

Parents of grand kids, you need to be made aware of this and grow up when you see this happening and put a stop to it. Because in the end you will tear the family apart, and someone is liable to get hurt, but if that is your objective then you go for it. Because I don't care, I will sit back as I have been watching and listening to parents, and grandparents, all over the place making fools of them self, because they think that their child/grandchild is the most perfect on the face of the earth. But remember what the definition of perfection is. and also remember, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Now if I sparked your attention, or hit a nerve then this must pertain to you, or you know someone whom this does fit. And if I did piss some of you off, sorry, don't really care, you don't sign my pay check. Just remember the grand kids need everyone in their life. Don't pull or tug and put one against the other, a "house divided cannot stand."


1 comment:

  1. I love your post it makes me happy that other people feel the same way I do. When I drove school bus I heard "my child would never do that unless someone made them" well they can not be made to do something that they already want to do.
