Friday, April 1, 2011

“Self-Esteem -- the belief in oneself
Overweening pride in oneself”

Where has it all gone?
We are desperately seeking the knowledge
As to why
What’s our purpose
Yet I begin to loose the drive
The desire
The will the achieve what ever I wish
We all started at the top of it all
To have it all torn down, why?

We believed in ourselves as we start
Start out in life
Just to have some say
Who are you?
Where do you belong?
We begin to look at ourselves
In the mirror
The image of a forgotten soul is left
Left holding on to an intangible dream

Our pride has dwindled from
A once proud and prosperous
Adventure in life
To the thought of making
It though
Our tickets have been punched
As to where our road will lead us
But still we’ve gradually lost
Our vision

The vision of our self-esteem
Slipping into the past
Gone forever unwilling to return
Where are the Sheppard’s I herd so much about?
I know I began life with one
Slowly loosing what I had
By the paths that I chose
Now I wish to return

I know of not a soul who will help
Help me to achieve my rightful destiny
I’m in this chapter of life alone
I must
For the time to end grows so ever close
Begin to start taking the right passages
Through the rest of this chapter
Or what is left is but a shallow grave
With the shell of someone
Who has lost all of what life was about

who was he…?

please forgive me…

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