Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This blog is about everything in life in general

Well, same old stuff, driving to work the other day and even coming home; people see a cop on the side of the road with its lights on, has another car pulled over and everyone has to slow down. What the hell? Why? There is nothing to see, if you want to look at what is happening then pull over and ask the cop if you can help. Because while you’re stupid ass may not be in a hurry, there are thousands of drivers behind your slow ass which have some place to be or go.

So the next time you want to slow down and cause an accident or become part of the news or a statistic then by all means slow down on the freeway to 35 mph where it is 75mph. Dumb ass.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A little confused

This blog is about everything in life in general

Not much to say at this time; life can sure get alittle confusing at times. Kind of makes you wonder around lost in the woods, not knowing what way to turn. Or for that matter who to ask for help from; you feel like your out on an island all by yourself. Just hoping things will turn out for the better...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It one of my grandsons birthday today, he is turning 2. He is everthing a 2 year old should be, rough and tough, gets dirty and is always smiling and having a good time. B-day party today, alittle over kill for it however. There expecting 50 or so people to it. Yeah a little much for a B-Day party. And it's on a Sunday during Football season, this should not happen in America. Good news is he won't have another one land on a Sunday for 7 years.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


This blog is about everything in life in general

So they don't like the American made film, what is wrong? The reason you have stupid asses all over the world protesting this film, is because it is actually telling the truth about this Mohammad dude. You don't see the U.S or its allies getting upset and protesting when you dumb sheet heads burn our bible, or even our flag.

Grow up; it's history in the making. Have read that stupid book the Koran? It actually tells you how to kill Americans and anyone else who is not of your religion. Tell me how that can be viable religion. I have scanned through it; it is on my reading list. But any religion which condones killing should be wiped off the face of the earth.

I mean c'mon look at it does that actually make any sense to the common person. Then if you are in trouble you call on the U.S for help. I think we need to pull out, let you rag heads fight among yourselves then we can pick up pieces. Mop up operations. You people have no compassion for human life. Killing is the only thing you know. It's time to change, look what your kids are going to be like. What kind of life do they have to look forward too?

Obama can go live with you guys and help you fight you "Holy War," because you are the only people who think it’s a holy war. A war to kill innocent people; women and children, wow that takes a big person.

Hell, go water the clorean out of you sheets, maybe which is what’s causing you to act the way you do. Think about it. I am in a country, and spent 22 years in the military protecting my freedom to say what I want to say. This is just the beginning.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Do you find it strange, that the United States gives one of the riches countries in the world, Egypt, over a billion dollars a year? Yet The U.S is over a trillion dollars in debt. And those stupid asses over there are trying to over run our Embassies. Could someone please explain to me; why we are so stupid?

I spent 22 years in the military and had to keep quite on many things, I've been retired now for over 12 years. I feel now I have the right to say and voice my opinion on the world: mainly the U.S.A. We are stupid; we spend all this money abroad for other countries so they can spit on us and burn our flag in protest. Yet when we burn their flag or "Karon" in protest they get all upset. Obama you suck, you are one of them and should have never became president. We need someone like Theodore Roosevelt, "Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick." The U.S has not done anything close to that since JFK. After that it’s been all downhill.

The U.S needs to not worry about what the hell other countries think about us. 90% of them don't like us anyhow; so the hell with the diplomatic approach. Tell them to get it together or we are going to take it.

Move our people out of harms way. Let them have it, stop giving them aid, they don't appreciate it anyways. We should just look out for the U.S and country that has stood by us in thick and thin and has not taken anything so damn personal.

Do you find it ironic that a person in their 30's or 40's gets all bent out of shape over the little things but does not look at the big picture? If we’re not getting the support to fight the Taliban then pull out and watch their country fall apart because that is exactly what will happen.

Then when they come crawling back on their hands and knees asking for help. Give it to them, under one condition; the U.S.A's, the U.S calls the shots.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Do people really know what blinkers are? Sometimes I wonder, so today I am going to give you the word of the day.

Blinker: -- A light that flashes on and off, used as a signal or to send messages. A blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which the vehicle is about to turn. Some key words here; signal, send messages, direction vehicle is about to turn. Just putting that out there for those of you who might have forgot sence you took your drivers test.

Now some of you out there may be wondering why I would put this on my blog. Well here is the skinny, if you are wondering why, then you are probably one who does not know what the work blinker means and what it is used for. I know, it's a scary thought, however you need to think about it.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hey, great news, the AZ Cards won their opening game agains Seattle. It was closer than it should have been. The Cards had a couple of times to put the game out of reach for good. Then the last 52 sec where unbareable. Two pass interference calls with int he red zone, and you still manage to pull off the win. If this was last years team they probably would have lost. They are improving all over.

Great play from Skelton, and then when he went down in the fourth, Kolb came in and did an excellent job bringint them down the field and schoring to give them the lead.

Next week however is going to be a harder game. They have New England @ New England. But ehy are off to a great start. Keep it up Cards.