Saturday, September 8, 2012

What is wrong with our Education

 What is wrong with our educational system, when no one is pleasing up our Charter Schools? How can a teacher teach there and not have a degree, or how can they go to a school for less than two years and have a BA in Education. I find that odd don't you?

Not if you look a little deep and fine that one of the Administrators has been forging documents for several years. What, how can that happen, because the state does nothing to check on it? Two individuals had their paper work fixed so it would look like they graduated from a school with the right amount of credentials, and produced fake transcripts. The first one I told you about went to a school in which the owners created, called Astoris University, it was, or is an online school. It is not accredited.

And they have teachers working there who are not even AEPA qualified. Yes this is Arizona if you have not figured it out as of yet. The school Crown Charter, I think it is about time someone checks it out.

Read the reviews on this school, it will surprise you. The owner has slammed students heads down on the table, put them in dark rooms and even had them pour coke on them self for pouring water on another student.

It's like a store with a revolving door; teachers come and go so fast it's not even funny. She either fires them because they don't conform to her style (they have higher standards) or they quit. Check out their attendance before the 100th day, and then check it out after the 100th day. They even have said I can't wait till I can get rid of this child.

This is a sad school, and there is much more than what I have written down. I can tell you some stories...WOW.

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