Saturday, September 15, 2012


This blog is about everything in life in general

So they don't like the American made film, what is wrong? The reason you have stupid asses all over the world protesting this film, is because it is actually telling the truth about this Mohammad dude. You don't see the U.S or its allies getting upset and protesting when you dumb sheet heads burn our bible, or even our flag.

Grow up; it's history in the making. Have read that stupid book the Koran? It actually tells you how to kill Americans and anyone else who is not of your religion. Tell me how that can be viable religion. I have scanned through it; it is on my reading list. But any religion which condones killing should be wiped off the face of the earth.

I mean c'mon look at it does that actually make any sense to the common person. Then if you are in trouble you call on the U.S for help. I think we need to pull out, let you rag heads fight among yourselves then we can pick up pieces. Mop up operations. You people have no compassion for human life. Killing is the only thing you know. It's time to change, look what your kids are going to be like. What kind of life do they have to look forward too?

Obama can go live with you guys and help you fight you "Holy War," because you are the only people who think it’s a holy war. A war to kill innocent people; women and children, wow that takes a big person.

Hell, go water the clorean out of you sheets, maybe which is what’s causing you to act the way you do. Think about it. I am in a country, and spent 22 years in the military protecting my freedom to say what I want to say. This is just the beginning.

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