Friday, September 14, 2012


Do you find it strange, that the United States gives one of the riches countries in the world, Egypt, over a billion dollars a year? Yet The U.S is over a trillion dollars in debt. And those stupid asses over there are trying to over run our Embassies. Could someone please explain to me; why we are so stupid?

I spent 22 years in the military and had to keep quite on many things, I've been retired now for over 12 years. I feel now I have the right to say and voice my opinion on the world: mainly the U.S.A. We are stupid; we spend all this money abroad for other countries so they can spit on us and burn our flag in protest. Yet when we burn their flag or "Karon" in protest they get all upset. Obama you suck, you are one of them and should have never became president. We need someone like Theodore Roosevelt, "Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick." The U.S has not done anything close to that since JFK. After that it’s been all downhill.

The U.S needs to not worry about what the hell other countries think about us. 90% of them don't like us anyhow; so the hell with the diplomatic approach. Tell them to get it together or we are going to take it.

Move our people out of harms way. Let them have it, stop giving them aid, they don't appreciate it anyways. We should just look out for the U.S and country that has stood by us in thick and thin and has not taken anything so damn personal.

Do you find it ironic that a person in their 30's or 40's gets all bent out of shape over the little things but does not look at the big picture? If we’re not getting the support to fight the Taliban then pull out and watch their country fall apart because that is exactly what will happen.

Then when they come crawling back on their hands and knees asking for help. Give it to them, under one condition; the U.S.A's, the U.S calls the shots.

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