Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Cards Game...

Wow, this would be most peoples reactions to include mine. I have been to about six Cardinal games since they moved into their new state of the the art stadium. This means I have been in there during their winning seasons, I even saw a few games when they played at ASU. So I am a die hard fan, so I feel what I am going to say here I have the right to say it. I am not a bandwagon fan, I have been a hardcore fan from day one of them moving here to the valley.

Now, let's talk about the Cards, the Monday Night game against the 49ers, this is a game I went to. I thought it was going to be great, it should have been, especially on a Monday night (I never went to a Monday Night Game), Two teams trying for a possible shot, an outside shot of making the playoffs. Even if the Cards were to loose I figured it would be a great game, these two teams were building a great rivalry. Four games on Monday Night what a deal. Well fat chance of that, after being down 14 - 3 in the first quarter, the Cards seem to throw in the towel, the life went out of them. there was nothing there. They were dead, lifeless, even the sideline was fast asleep. The rest of the game was down hill from there, they didn't do anything right the rest of the game. You can't win a game with less than 40 yards rushing, and less than 150 yards passing. You do the math that isn't even two trips up and down the field. The score tells the story when they only scored 6 points.

The fans, whose fans, the Cards fans, they sucked, at least where I was seated. First I had to pass over crabby, to get to my seats and he was a season ticket holder, he didn't root or sound off for his team once, there is support for you. Then everyone around was up and moving in and out of their seats, they couldn't stay still. Always talking to their buddies, and not paying attention to the game. Their team needed them, but they bailed on them. You know the 11th man.

This was by far the worse game I had ever been to, no fan support, even the team couldn't support itself, nothing. Even in the past when they were loosing their fans were able to help bring them back, I can handle a loss, but this was like the "Old Cards" they make it so hard to stay a fan of theirs. They need to have the Attitude of Dockett, he was drafted a Cardinal 7 years ago and he hopes to retire a Cardinal. He is true to what heart really means.

Now brings me to the last issue, those knuckleheads, who think they have the right to criticize a team, or game, get in your face because your team lost, and yet they don't know how to spell F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L, or even the first thing about football. So to all you individuals who don't have a clue, and you know who you are, we all have encountered them, you need to keep your mouth closed until you actually understand the sport and I don't mean you like the color of their uniforms... Think about what you say before you open your mouth, because you just may piss off a true sports fan.

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