Monday, November 8, 2010

I will save a Place for you

I will save a Place for you
Here I go
My bags are not packed
But I have no time
What I have left is short
When I arrive at my final
Destination the place I am called to
I will save a place for you

I will be there first
Alone and on my own
But I will wait
 Till we meet again
A place not to far
In the distance
I will save a place for you

Don’t look for me now
I am gone
I will prepare for your day
When we will be together again
In paradise
My bags are not by the door
But I will save a place for you

Please don’t look for me
Dry your eyes
We will meet again
I have been ask to come first
I knew I would be
So don’t wait up for me
I will save a place for you

As you close your eyes
I will be there
A vision of joy and happiness
Don’t pack anything
When your place is prepared
I will be come to call you
                                                        Because, I saved a place for you

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