Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The greatest thing about being a teacher, is listening to your students or other students on campus talk how they are going to creat something. Their little mind just a turning, trying to figure out what to do with the material which they have at their disposal.

"I am going to create a machine", said one student (he was a first grader) and to you and I, he had garbage in his hand but he creativitiy was there. Where do you think he go that from? His teachers, that would be my guess.

Just think about it, who spends more time with a child than there parents, their teachers. So who is most likly to have an impact ont he child, you got it, the teacher. So some of you individuals who are out in left feild and unsure about your teachers, better think again. They are doing what they are getting paid to do, and a whole lot more for a whole lot less. Think about it...

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