Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pissed off

I have served in the service for 22 years, and retired, my oldest son spent two tours in Iraq. So it just pisses me off when someone puts on a uniform, and says he or she will defend this country, when they only do it to volunteer to help out kids. So they only play "military" or one day a month. Now I am not talking about the reserves or the national guard, because I know what they have done for this country especally during the Iraq conflct. I am talking about these people who volunteer for ROTC, or any other cadet program and then forget that they are only playing and that it's not for real.

You don't tell kids you are in the military, they will believe anything. Who in the hell do some of these people think they are? Now I love this country and we have done some stupid things and elected some real "winners" but I own a peice of the star on that flag, my son who almost gave his life in Iraq, and God only knows in left part of his thinking there watching some of his buddies get wasted, owns a peice of one of those stars, and any other Vet owns a piece of a star on that flag.

We gave you people the right to do have of the crap you do now, to BLOG and say what you are feeling right now. If you were in some of these other third world countries, try this and see what happens. So when tomorrow come, and you see a Vet, go up and thank him or her, don't tell him your pissed off because of something you don't like. Of course then if you do the Vet can do one of two things, Thank you, because your voicing your opinion is a way a thanking him, because remember, he gave you that right, or he could just whip your ass. For your sake hopefully he will choose the first one.

Now you all have a super Veterans Day, and when you see that flag waving show it some respect for what it represents, not because its a peice of symbolizes something many of you are to chicken shit to go do, fight for your freedom. And if this pisses you off, great, thank a teacher because you can read it...thank a Vet, because he has given you your freedom, and your rights you have now...

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