Friday, November 19, 2010


A time not so pleasant in the life of an individual. This is how many feel, especially in today's society, wanting to escape from reality by any means possible, is this really the answer, you decide. Many have use this as their door to reality, but is it? You decide.
Why is there no end
No end to this emptiness
I feel?

A .357 lies upon his lap
Five empty chambers
And one…
Is this the answer
Thoughts of his life
Race through his clouded mind
His accomplishments are not many

Why must he go on
Just to prove to them
Right or
His mind is clouded
He thinks about raising
The pistol to his temple
To clear the clogged chamber

Frozen in time
His hand gripping
Tightly around the cold
Pistol grips

I can’t even accomplish
Such a small task
What disaster
I kneel down
The pistol slips out of my hand
And falls to the floor
My face buried in my hands
As I sob
Now I realize my life
                                                          Shall never again be the same…

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