Monday, November 22, 2010

Phony people...

...they come in all shapes and sizes, some times you can't even recognize them. They are the ones who stab you in the back and smile when they leave. They don't let you know it's coming. These are the ones you need to watch out for, the quiet ones, they will hurt you the most. You have heard of the old saying, "Keep your friends and your enemies closer." How true is this statement?

Some of us walk around with our heads in a cloud expecting people to give us everything, while others step on those who let them. Who are you? The bosses of the world rule with an iron fist knowing in this economic strife you can't go anywhere but on your knees.

They are even to the point of bringing some of their employees with them, getting them to believe in their ideas, no matter how wrong they are. You are in a battle every time you get up in the morning and leave your house. How can you dodge the cross hairs people put on your back?

First figure out why you always get singled out, then you will be able to start dodging those cross hairs and shots directed towards you. Become and active individual person at your place of employment and where ever you go or what ever you do, stationary targets are easier to hit. Finally, wake up and smell the roses, doors don't open by themselves, you have to turn the knob.

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