Friday, November 12, 2010

Well, what to do?

Have you ever come to a cross roads in your life, your standing at one point looking down three other roads trying to figure out where you should go from here. Some times people put obstacles in your way and they help you to figure out where to go, other times not so much.

I had a talk with a co-worker, they said God tells them to hang in there. I know she is right, but it's hard when the people you work for think everyone is out to get them. I don't understand why. No one here has ever given them any reasons to think some one would be out to get them. They have helped many co-workers in the past so why would someone turn on them. Kind of makes you wounder. I am a loyal worker, and just get in one of those points in my life you don't know what to do. You try to expain to them, but they don't seem to understand.

Well guess I will just keep on pushing forward...and see what happens...

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