Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Holidays

Well, they are upon us, and we must get in our vehicles and dread the traffic, of such nice people I just love this time of year. Every thing is so commercial, the sales people with painted on smiles, and the excitement in their voice.

It was wall to wall people in and out of the mall, elbows in the face the looks, yes this is my favorite time of the year. Black Friday, the day we should all lock ourselves in our houses and wait till the smoke clears, then come on out.

Then you buy something and stupid people open the box, and change one of the items, so now you don't have matching slippers, or the same size in the box, so hey Assholes, get a clue...think about what you are doing. Yes people leave their brains at home and run around the streets like lab rats.
Basically, people are or can be rude during this time of year, and not even think about what they are saying or doing. So I have this to say to all you stupid people walking around the world, "stop checking out your brains and think before you talk, or act, you are not the only person on the face of this planet."

If you don't like what I have said here, then you must be one of the stupid people out there. As the saying goes, "If the shoe fits, put it on."

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