Monday, November 15, 2010

Did you watch the Cards game?

What the hell? They can beat any team out there and they have proven it, but their defense sucks. It should be a law to play, at least for them prevent defense, they can't every time they are ahead and play it they loose. They need to stay aggressive during the entire game. Take that prevent out until they know how to play it.

Last weeks game their secondary was all "ate-up". They need to stay more aggressive and motivated. Stop thinking about changing QB's. stick with what they have and make do, put Matt in however, enough to get him some playing time it he is the future of the cards. If not, then find someone who is, stop wasting money.

They have the talent, they just need to use it, otherwise they are going to be where they were a few years ago, and wanting players to jump ship, you don't get to many like Docket who wants to stick around and retire here.

And my final thought is, and i know they are going to screw this up, do let the head coach go. He has what it take to get them to the next level and he has gotten them there, they just need to stay there and turn the corner. Go Cards.....

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