Friday, December 24, 2010


"He who is without sin, cast the first stone", wow where have we heard this before? No one is perfect, I don't care if you are a parent, grandparent, guardian, don't care what your roll is in your childs/grandchilds life, they are not perfect. We would like to all think they are, but there has only been one person to ever walk the face of this earth who was as close to if not perfect and we are about to celebrate his birth with in the next day.

I am a teacher, parent and grandparent, so I feel I am qualified to talk about and piss some of you off about what I am going to say, but I don't care, I am almost 50 years old, do you really think what you think is going to bother me, 22 years in the military gave me some tough skin.

Let me first define "Perfection": the state of being without a flaw or defect. Well that pretty much somes it up, so now when you say your child/grandchild is perfect you of course are meaning the latter part of this definition right? Meaning all of their body parts are intact and they look great, right? 

Now let me get down to what really what pisses me off, and this is what can break up a family, and know one stands up to take note, and see whats going on or tries to put a stop to it. For example, kids (grand kids) playing with each other, the kids are under two years of age, and all of a sudden one of them starts hitting and biting. Who do you blame? The other child, the parents, whom then? The one child, never hit or bit anyone until they came into contact with the first child. But wait, now a grandparent gets involved makes an off the wall comment and says "I see you picked up some bad habits, from ******". Wow, how do you react to that. Well, ***** never did those things until ###### moved in. But is this the right way to handle it, no of course not. The correct way is to simple teach them not to bite and hit. They are too young to care who started it, and grandparents can be to stupid to know how to fix it. They are one of the first ones to put blame.

I had four boys, and do you think they were little angles, not hardly, I saw more than one horn coming from their heads on occasions. But in the end, they all turned out great.

I know its hard to be a grandparent, you always want to put your two cents in, but hell, if they don't want it then don't give it to them, but be there to catch them when they fall. And hopefully when you leave this earth, you will have given them enough knowledge to be able to make the right choices and realize that their child is not perfect, and to have that same attitude when you are called into the principals office. It's probably not the other persons fault, its most likely your child's fault, or else your child would not have been called into the office.

Grandparents competing against each other, how bad does that suck. "I was the first one to do ...." Were you? You may think you were, but the other set of grandparents may not care so are they going to say anything? Probably not. The bottom line is the grand kids, spoil them rotten, make them happy and stop competing with the other grandparents. I am just here to love my grand kids, and do what I need to do for them, and nothing more.

Parents of grand kids, you need to be made aware of this and grow up when you see this happening and put a stop to it. Because in the end you will tear the family apart, and someone is liable to get hurt, but if that is your objective then you go for it. Because I don't care, I will sit back as I have been watching and listening to parents, and grandparents, all over the place making fools of them self, because they think that their child/grandchild is the most perfect on the face of the earth. But remember what the definition of perfection is. and also remember, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Now if I sparked your attention, or hit a nerve then this must pertain to you, or you know someone whom this does fit. And if I did piss some of you off, sorry, don't really care, you don't sign my pay check. Just remember the grand kids need everyone in their life. Don't pull or tug and put one against the other, a "house divided cannot stand."


Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Christmas Break

Well, two week break, what to do? Get caught up on the my writing, and reading. No kids, this is a well deserved break. I will be able add much to this during this time, for example, I graduated from my masters program about a week ago. It was a long time coming.

More to come...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Cards Game...

Wow, this would be most peoples reactions to include mine. I have been to about six Cardinal games since they moved into their new state of the the art stadium. This means I have been in there during their winning seasons, I even saw a few games when they played at ASU. So I am a die hard fan, so I feel what I am going to say here I have the right to say it. I am not a bandwagon fan, I have been a hardcore fan from day one of them moving here to the valley.

Now, let's talk about the Cards, the Monday Night game against the 49ers, this is a game I went to. I thought it was going to be great, it should have been, especially on a Monday night (I never went to a Monday Night Game), Two teams trying for a possible shot, an outside shot of making the playoffs. Even if the Cards were to loose I figured it would be a great game, these two teams were building a great rivalry. Four games on Monday Night what a deal. Well fat chance of that, after being down 14 - 3 in the first quarter, the Cards seem to throw in the towel, the life went out of them. there was nothing there. They were dead, lifeless, even the sideline was fast asleep. The rest of the game was down hill from there, they didn't do anything right the rest of the game. You can't win a game with less than 40 yards rushing, and less than 150 yards passing. You do the math that isn't even two trips up and down the field. The score tells the story when they only scored 6 points.

The fans, whose fans, the Cards fans, they sucked, at least where I was seated. First I had to pass over crabby, to get to my seats and he was a season ticket holder, he didn't root or sound off for his team once, there is support for you. Then everyone around was up and moving in and out of their seats, they couldn't stay still. Always talking to their buddies, and not paying attention to the game. Their team needed them, but they bailed on them. You know the 11th man.

This was by far the worse game I had ever been to, no fan support, even the team couldn't support itself, nothing. Even in the past when they were loosing their fans were able to help bring them back, I can handle a loss, but this was like the "Old Cards" they make it so hard to stay a fan of theirs. They need to have the Attitude of Dockett, he was drafted a Cardinal 7 years ago and he hopes to retire a Cardinal. He is true to what heart really means.

Now brings me to the last issue, those knuckleheads, who think they have the right to criticize a team, or game, get in your face because your team lost, and yet they don't know how to spell F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L, or even the first thing about football. So to all you individuals who don't have a clue, and you know who you are, we all have encountered them, you need to keep your mouth closed until you actually understand the sport and I don't mean you like the color of their uniforms... Think about what you say before you open your mouth, because you just may piss off a true sports fan.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Phony people...

...they come in all shapes and sizes, some times you can't even recognize them. They are the ones who stab you in the back and smile when they leave. They don't let you know it's coming. These are the ones you need to watch out for, the quiet ones, they will hurt you the most. You have heard of the old saying, "Keep your friends and your enemies closer." How true is this statement?

Some of us walk around with our heads in a cloud expecting people to give us everything, while others step on those who let them. Who are you? The bosses of the world rule with an iron fist knowing in this economic strife you can't go anywhere but on your knees.

They are even to the point of bringing some of their employees with them, getting them to believe in their ideas, no matter how wrong they are. You are in a battle every time you get up in the morning and leave your house. How can you dodge the cross hairs people put on your back?

First figure out why you always get singled out, then you will be able to start dodging those cross hairs and shots directed towards you. Become and active individual person at your place of employment and where ever you go or what ever you do, stationary targets are easier to hit. Finally, wake up and smell the roses, doors don't open by themselves, you have to turn the knob.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Holidays

Well, they are upon us, and we must get in our vehicles and dread the traffic, of such nice people I just love this time of year. Every thing is so commercial, the sales people with painted on smiles, and the excitement in their voice.

It was wall to wall people in and out of the mall, elbows in the face the looks, yes this is my favorite time of the year. Black Friday, the day we should all lock ourselves in our houses and wait till the smoke clears, then come on out.

Then you buy something and stupid people open the box, and change one of the items, so now you don't have matching slippers, or the same size in the box, so hey Assholes, get a clue...think about what you are doing. Yes people leave their brains at home and run around the streets like lab rats.
Basically, people are or can be rude during this time of year, and not even think about what they are saying or doing. So I have this to say to all you stupid people walking around the world, "stop checking out your brains and think before you talk, or act, you are not the only person on the face of this planet."

If you don't like what I have said here, then you must be one of the stupid people out there. As the saying goes, "If the shoe fits, put it on."

Friday, November 19, 2010


A time not so pleasant in the life of an individual. This is how many feel, especially in today's society, wanting to escape from reality by any means possible, is this really the answer, you decide. Many have use this as their door to reality, but is it? You decide.
Why is there no end
No end to this emptiness
I feel?

A .357 lies upon his lap
Five empty chambers
And one…
Is this the answer
Thoughts of his life
Race through his clouded mind
His accomplishments are not many

Why must he go on
Just to prove to them
Right or
His mind is clouded
He thinks about raising
The pistol to his temple
To clear the clogged chamber

Frozen in time
His hand gripping
Tightly around the cold
Pistol grips

I can’t even accomplish
Such a small task
What disaster
I kneel down
The pistol slips out of my hand
And falls to the floor
My face buried in my hands
As I sob
Now I realize my life
                                                          Shall never again be the same…

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The greatest thing about being a teacher, is listening to your students or other students on campus talk how they are going to creat something. Their little mind just a turning, trying to figure out what to do with the material which they have at their disposal.

"I am going to create a machine", said one student (he was a first grader) and to you and I, he had garbage in his hand but he creativitiy was there. Where do you think he go that from? His teachers, that would be my guess.

Just think about it, who spends more time with a child than there parents, their teachers. So who is most likly to have an impact ont he child, you got it, the teacher. So some of you individuals who are out in left feild and unsure about your teachers, better think again. They are doing what they are getting paid to do, and a whole lot more for a whole lot less. Think about it...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Did you watch the Cards game?

What the hell? They can beat any team out there and they have proven it, but their defense sucks. It should be a law to play, at least for them prevent defense, they can't every time they are ahead and play it they loose. They need to stay aggressive during the entire game. Take that prevent out until they know how to play it.

Last weeks game their secondary was all "ate-up". They need to stay more aggressive and motivated. Stop thinking about changing QB's. stick with what they have and make do, put Matt in however, enough to get him some playing time it he is the future of the cards. If not, then find someone who is, stop wasting money.

They have the talent, they just need to use it, otherwise they are going to be where they were a few years ago, and wanting players to jump ship, you don't get to many like Docket who wants to stick around and retire here.

And my final thought is, and i know they are going to screw this up, do let the head coach go. He has what it take to get them to the next level and he has gotten them there, they just need to stay there and turn the corner. Go Cards.....

Jury Duty

I went today to do my civic duty, I had jury duty. It is very interesting. But this one would have pitted family against family, sounds like the north and south all over again. Two brothers and a sister, against a brother, the case would have only lasted about four days. Litigation over some property. This is the kind of stuff that just pisses me off, just sell the land and split it, or if it is already spent, then split the money. Within the next four days these family members are going to truly hate each other.  If they didn't already after the lady left them this land....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wake up and smell the Roses

Have you ever, just sat outside and looked off into the world and wondered why people do the things they do? This question has plagued mankind for years, and even stumped scholars. This is not a question to take lightly, you need to contemplate this question at all costs, your life and future depends on it.

Hell, Sarah Palin could be our next president, of course this would be a better choice than who we have currently sitting in that seat at the white house. The comments some of our politicians and the people in charge of us make. Kind of makes you go...."MMMM".

So when you see someone acting stupid, help them up, dust them off, and tell them you knew that was going to happen, but if they keep acting stupid your going to have to beat their ass...

A Rose

This was written when I was changing from one job to another. The feeling of being uncertain, what was on the otherside of the door. Was it the right choice or not, later however, I would discover it would be the wrong choice and I would return to the job I left in the first place.

A Rose

A Rose
Did you ever dream?
See a rose in your dream
In a field

Lonely, blowing in the wind
As you watched it grow
The seasons changed

A beautiful red
Yes it was
How it stood
Tall and strong

A challenge to the world
With its thorns of strength
It stood straight

As the years
Old it grew

The leaves soft and pale
Thorns weak and brittle

Red to black
As it grew to death
Life coming to a close

Friday, November 12, 2010


They drift in and out of consciousness
not knowing where they are
or even the time of day.   

Hearing them call
seeing them fall one by one
where have they gone.

Their little minds warped and twisted
focusing on evil little thoughts
have you seen my brother?

Six feet under I suppose
dry rot, decay, maybe
will you still recognize him?

Well, what to do?

Have you ever come to a cross roads in your life, your standing at one point looking down three other roads trying to figure out where you should go from here. Some times people put obstacles in your way and they help you to figure out where to go, other times not so much.

I had a talk with a co-worker, they said God tells them to hang in there. I know she is right, but it's hard when the people you work for think everyone is out to get them. I don't understand why. No one here has ever given them any reasons to think some one would be out to get them. They have helped many co-workers in the past so why would someone turn on them. Kind of makes you wounder. I am a loyal worker, and just get in one of those points in my life you don't know what to do. You try to expain to them, but they don't seem to understand.

Well guess I will just keep on pushing forward...and see what happens...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Veteran

I am a Veteran, a Veteran is someone, who at one point in their life,wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to, and including, their life. Regardless of personal political views, that is an honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact. Copy and paste this as your status if you are a Veteran. US Army -- 1980 -- 2002

Veterans Day

Happy Vetereans day, Thank you all...Have a super day... All you non-vets remember to thank a VET less you forget how you came to the rights you have and are able to do what you do now, bitch and moan about society, because of the flag in the classroom, God in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, and many other things...just remeber, if it wasn't for a VET you wouldn't be able to do half the crap you are doing. So if you don't like it, move out of the country to one of the third world countries, theymay accept you more. Have a nive day...and remeber VETS

YOU ROCK!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pissed off

I have served in the service for 22 years, and retired, my oldest son spent two tours in Iraq. So it just pisses me off when someone puts on a uniform, and says he or she will defend this country, when they only do it to volunteer to help out kids. So they only play "military" or one day a month. Now I am not talking about the reserves or the national guard, because I know what they have done for this country especally during the Iraq conflct. I am talking about these people who volunteer for ROTC, or any other cadet program and then forget that they are only playing and that it's not for real.

You don't tell kids you are in the military, they will believe anything. Who in the hell do some of these people think they are? Now I love this country and we have done some stupid things and elected some real "winners" but I own a peice of the star on that flag, my son who almost gave his life in Iraq, and God only knows in left part of his thinking there watching some of his buddies get wasted, owns a peice of one of those stars, and any other Vet owns a piece of a star on that flag.

We gave you people the right to do have of the crap you do now, to BLOG and say what you are feeling right now. If you were in some of these other third world countries, try this and see what happens. So when tomorrow come, and you see a Vet, go up and thank him or her, don't tell him your pissed off because of something you don't like. Of course then if you do the Vet can do one of two things, Thank you, because your voicing your opinion is a way a thanking him, because remember, he gave you that right, or he could just whip your ass. For your sake hopefully he will choose the first one.

Now you all have a super Veterans Day, and when you see that flag waving show it some respect for what it represents, not because its a peice of symbolizes something many of you are to chicken shit to go do, fight for your freedom. And if this pisses you off, great, thank a teacher because you can read it...thank a Vet, because he has given you your freedom, and your rights you have now...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

As we move Closer

Today, another ordinary day at work, the hussle and bussle of everyday life. I have a new poem I am working on, it pretty much could some up life in or around what you do or don't do on a daily basics. I will post it by the end of the week, It came to me while I was observing my students, but it fits society so much. Just waiting for the end to arrive, as our minds become warped on trivial stuff, and things we cannot change. Yet we continue to worry about trying to change them....And were adults, now you can imagine what these little one must be going through...

Monday, November 8, 2010

I will save a Place for you

I will save a Place for you
Here I go
My bags are not packed
But I have no time
What I have left is short
When I arrive at my final
Destination the place I am called to
I will save a place for you

I will be there first
Alone and on my own
But I will wait
 Till we meet again
A place not to far
In the distance
I will save a place for you

Don’t look for me now
I am gone
I will prepare for your day
When we will be together again
In paradise
My bags are not by the door
But I will save a place for you

Please don’t look for me
Dry your eyes
We will meet again
I have been ask to come first
I knew I would be
So don’t wait up for me
I will save a place for you

As you close your eyes
I will be there
A vision of joy and happiness
Don’t pack anything
When your place is prepared
I will be come to call you
                                                        Because, I saved a place for you

The Other One...

The Other One…
Who is she?
I cannot tell
There, there she sits
My fate to wait in hell

Sin we must
We are told
In God we trust
Be bold

I look to her
The beauty bound
Where is our next desire?
Look at satan’s crown

She must spread
Bear him a child
No wait the deed
She has already been defiled

Our fate
Is upon us
We see man lying
His empty carcass

In open field
Ready to cast a stone
He cannot be concealed

The child
Born of Satan
Must die an angles death
For the ruler must be the Son

The Son of man
Will walk
On this barren land
Gathering his flock

Another day at the office

Well, today was another day at the office and it was the same old kids however are doing great in my class...I am going to today post some poems on here...see if you like them and what your response is like...

Death Hall
All are a sleep
Do they dream?
Or weep
Shall I stop?
And see
A butcher shop
It must be
Where have they gone?
They are but weeds
Something they have all undergone
I too will endure
Old and withdrawn
As in the battle of Marston moor*
In ‘44*
We will all meet again
todd e lowry

*the battle of Marston moor in 1644

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Drama, its like a soap opra, life unfolds before your eyes, and all before you are fighting and complaining. As I have mentioned in the past to many, I am to old for all this drama. People need to deal with life, stop their bitching a move on to the next day in their life. If there is a problem, then they need to handle it without draggin everyone into it. makes you just want to slap someone.